Our Best-Selling Premium Infused Pre-Rolls Now In Our Shorts Packs
Sour Gummies
In Flavors And Doses For Everyone
Bold Infused Pre-Rolls
Our Ruby Mae’s Bold line of 1 gram infused pre-rolls are made with carefully selected cannabis ingredients. Using frosty buds, high-potency distillate oil, clean dry-si kief, terpy ice water hash, and sticky cured resin we infuse only the best products for the patients of Oklahoma.
The Special Edition is a project to put Oklahoma’s Red Dirt Sungrown and Sunday Extracts into an infused, strain-specific, Bold pre-roll. We combine the best sun grown ower with its cured resin extract to create a glorious harmony.
Our best selling infused pre-rolls are now in a new format! They come in packs of five, half-gram pre-rolls. Now patients have a new way to enjoy their favorite RM products!
Our distillate infused sour gummies are available in Black Cherry, Strawberry, Watermelon, Green Apple, and Assorted. And because we oer 250 mg, 1000mg, and 2000 mg dosed bags, there’s a flavor and dose for every patient
"Aenean efficitur ut libero ac ornare. Proin tristique neque a euismod faucibus nulla sollicitudin."
Caitlyn Morhes
"Etiam vitae pulvinar est, in porta nulla. Ut odio libero, convallis nec maxi vesti, consec non velit."
Sarah Pratt
Walt Disney
"Nam id dui fermentum, vestibulum est non, fermentum erat. Aenean in consectetur ligula nunc."
Elsa Darton
Soho Club
"Duis tincidunt elit fringilla diam vestilum, nec cursus ex tempor. Pellen maximus consequat."
Chris Pfaff
Experience The Unforgettable
Dive into our unparalleled selection of infused cannabis products, all forged with the highest quality cannabis and imbued with our passion for excellence.
Each product promises an unforgettable experience, tailored to the individual needs of Oklahoma's cannabis enthusiasts.